Site Council
The council’s primary function is to act in an advisory and support capacity for school leadership with respect to the administration’s immediate, short term goals and objectives. The focus of the site council is to foster cooperation, communication and community among all elements of the school. Members are nominated and appointed by the Director and Head of School.
Site Council Duties:
- Council meets once a month
- Members fulfill a two-year commitment to the board
- Members work with school administrators on school initiatives
- Members serve as advisors, advocates, and ambassadors of the school
Annual Site Council Initiatives:
Health & Wellness: Focus on a Parent Education Series. Propose and plan a Parent Ed Speaker Series to include two guest speakers each year. In collaboration with HPS administration and the larger HPS parent community, the site council will suggest or request topics of interest and relevance to our community.
Community Building: Support administration in planning, coordination and implementation of special school-wide community events including but not limited to teacher appreciation days/week; arts extravaganza, back to school event, movie nights, open houses and other related events.
Larger Community Engagement: Assist in developing relationships with local community organizations for students to find meaningful opportunities to connect, build relationships and empathy for others in the larger community.