Community at Headlands Prep

Respect. Inclusion. Reflection. Personal Growth.

At Headlands Prep School we believe growing as a learner also requires students to grow as individuals. The core of our approach to student life is creating intentional opportunities for students to feel a sense of community, form and nurture friendships, and appreciate different perspectives.

Group Elective Classes

Small group electives meet twice per week for the duration of the semester.

The lively buzz of painting class. Sharing unique artistic passions. Inventing new sports to play during PE. Exploring Sausalito’s waterfront in Photo class.

Here we come together to learn.

  • 3-7 students per class
  • PE & Arts electives
  • Peer collaboration
  • Shared learning experience

Weekly Clubs

Student clubs meet once per week at lunch to share interests and socialize.

The excited chatter of D&D. Sharing a favorite game. Gasps at a successful science experiment. Learning to make sushi together.

Here we share our interests.

  • Clubs are student-generated each year.
  • Examples include Arts & Crafts, D&D, Games Club, Asian Culture Club, Mad Science Club, Gamer Club, and more!

School Gatherings

Once per month the school community gathers to share lunch and celebrate events.

Sharing a multicultural meal together. Watching an explosive magic show. Munching on popcorn at movie night. A successful art show opening.

Here we gather as a family.

  • School-wide art projects & murals
  • After school activities
  • Students, teachers, and admin gather for shared celebrations


Students participate in group service activities to engage with the larger community.

Preparing for a service trip to Fiji. Cleaning up a local beach together. Sharing ancestral stories. A competitive futbol match at the park.

Here we develop strong connections.

  • Monthly themes guide community celebrations and class discussions
  • Students come together for service activities
  • Students develop personal service projects to share with the community
I love that my son is engaged in his learning AND...he and his friends created a google hangout called 'hallways' so they can connect with one another between each class. I love hearing him laughing and connecting with his friends...a testament to the sense of community that has been created.
Headlands Prep Parent