The Headlands Prep Alternative
Many students attend Headlands Prep as an alternative to traditional schools that do not meet their needs. We are a private, independent school with a focus on rich curriculum for exceptional and gifted learners as well as a supportive environment for students with learning differences, including ADHD/ADD, dyslexia, and emotional needs.
Alternative School for Learning Differences
Gifted & Twice Exceptional
Students who are gifted thrive with an accelerated pace, which allows them to delve deeper into subject matter and find inspiration in their learning without the limitations of grade level.
Twice exceptional students who need a combination of advanced material presented with attention to their learning differences.
Individualized Pacing
Students interested in accelerating their education to graduate early – gifted and highly motivated learners
Students who need a relaxed pace, allowing more time to fully absorb and master material – including ADHD and dyslexic learners
Learning Differences
Social/Emotional Needs
Students with social/emotional challenges (such as anxiety, depression, or trauma) who thrive in a supportive learning environment and community that is different from the traditional school setting.
Flexible Scheduling
Students who require a flexible schedule tailored to accommodate their needs. This could be students who are pursuing passions outside of school, youth athletes, or students with specific health-related scheduling needs, among others.
Executive Function Support
Students with executive functioning challenges who benefit from learning strategies for organization, prioritization, time management, and study skills to maximize their success and engagement in school.
Supplemental Classes
Students looking for supplemental courses in order to explore areas of academics not offered at their school of record or who need individualized support in one subject.
Homeschooled children who want to take one or more courses away from the homeschool setting – for social peer interaction and alternative course content.
Students who need to recover non-passing grades from past courses at a previous school.
What are yours?
Every student comes with a unique story and learning needs.
Headlands Prep Parent“We know our son developed farther and faster than would have been possible in a traditional academic setting.”